Building Healthy Global Communities Through Direct Medical Care And Educational Programs To Bridge Health Disparities and Socio-Economic Gaps In Developing Countries
Project Africa Global, lnc. is a non-profit 501c3 organization that collaborates globally for the development of sustainable solutions and programs that improve the health and socio-economic conditions of people worldwide, regardless of race, creed, color, or religion.
An out-growth of Project Africa (an organization formed under the umbrella of the Economic Development Fund Foundation in 1997), PAG was established in 2005, and now carries its own 501(c)(3) non-profit status and is recognized as a charitable organization in the States of California and Pennsylvania.

Project Africa Global's mission is to provide international programs with sustainable solutions that build healthy communities world-wide.
PAG programs operate on the belief that socio-economic well-being is achieved through the development of strong and healthy communities.
PAG works in concert with local and international organizations to develop programs that provide long-term solutions for addressing urgent health issues, particularly for underrepresented and marginalized populations. The longevity and wide-spread success of PAG programs, both in the U.S. and abroad, is delineated by our approach for building programs that place communities, youth, and health education at the center of all activity.

Project Africa Global works in partnership with local and international communities to achieve healthy and productive societies. PAG reaches out to the most vulnerable and marginalized populations in concert with local partners around the globe to build long-term solutions addressing urgent health issues with a particular focus on: AfricAmerica Youth Summit of U.S.-trained and African HIV/AIDS Peer Educators, Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Women's Health, In-Country Continuing Medical and Nursing Education Conferences, World AIDS Day, High School Youth Delegates for Global Citizenship, consultation, and partnerships with non-profit organizations around the globe. Our approach places communities, youth, and health education at the center of our activities. We believe that only through the development of strong healthy global communities can socioeconomic well-being be achieved.
PAG programs operate on the belief that socio-economic well-being is achieved through the development of strong and healthy communities. Our organization and volunteers work in concert with local and international organizations to develop programs that provide long-term solutions for addressing urgent health issues, particularly for underrepresented and marginalized populations. The longevity and wide-spread success of our programs, both in the U.S. and abroad, is delineated by our approach for building programs that place communities, youth, and health education at the center of all activity.
Medical and humanitarian missions function as the core of Project Africa Global's activities and efforts.
PAG missions are comprehensively designed to serve the varied needs of a given community, including support in the form of: Direct hands-on medical care, continuing medical education for in-country partners, and educational support to impoverished and vulnerable youth.

PAG assembles a team of highly experienced healthcare workers and social experts to deliver hands-on medical and surgical aid to impoverished areas.
The Orphans and Vulnerable Children Program encompasses a range of activities that deliver educational support, sustainable food programs, and healthcare to orphans and vulnerable children.
One highlight exemplifying the transglobal nature of our programs is the Livestock Program. Using funds raised by students in Los Angeles high schools, Project Africa Global purchased and donated livestock (heifers, chickens, and pigs) for orphanages in Swaziland. The orphanages team together to breed the animals for sale, in addition to using the animals as a food source.
Past projects under this program have helped to deliver books and school supplies, clothing and shoes, clean water, vegetable garden, livestock.

Project Africa Global volunteers serve the needs of our communities, domestically and internationally. Volunteers serve on Boards of Nursing and Medical Societies throughout the United States, participate in local health fairs (hospital, clinic and church-based) and develop and implement need-based programs in the communities in which they live. Project Africa Global volunteers are involved with feeding and clothing the poor in Downtown and South Los Angeles, aged and home-bound, mentoring at risk youth, and high school and college students interested in health care professions. We also serve on advisory boards that focus on reducing health disparities among under-served populations in Greater Los Angeles and San Francisco, California; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and New York City, New York.

Make a difference in someone's life. Be a miracle to somebody. Since 1997, friends like you have worked hand-in-hand with the people of Africa through Project Africa Global. Your gift will help support grassroots projects that are bringing self-sufficiency, improved health and better living conditions -- and hope -- to men, women and children Africa-wide and the United States. Project Africa Global, Inc. is a 5013C non-profit organization, therefore your donations may be tax deductible.
100% of cash or check donations go directly to the programs that deliver aid to people around the globe. This is made possible through strategic collaborations with large non-profit organizations, local community leaders, and countless PAG volunteers who donate their time and talents to health and humanitarian issues.
Donations made payable to "Project Africa Global, Inc." can be mailed to:
Project Africa Global, Inc - Giving
3746 Monteith Drive. Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90043

Through skilled volunteers, stewardship, goodwill, and the support of donors, we can all be a part of making a difference in the lives of the underrepresented and underserved.
The core mission of PAG is to promote the flow of volunteer physicians, nurses and other medical professionals and students (high school, college and graduate) interested in global citizenship to provide desperately needed capacity building and direct medical services to populations ravaged by disease, malnutrition and insufficient medical care. PAG actively pursues this mission by encouraging individuals to volunteer their time and expertise to this critical humanitarian cause. PAG partners with carefully screened medical and non-profit organizations in Africa and matches their needs with the available volunteer base. Our goal is to make the volunteering experience a valuable, safe and gratifying one.
Who Should Apply?
We urge potential volunteers to give careful consideration to the nature of our mission, its philosophy and objectives.
Successful participation as volunteers for Project Africa Global requires:
Interest in Africa;
Interest in serving underserved and indigent populations nationally and internationally;
Strong communication skills;
A willingness to respect different lifestyles, beliefs, and values.
Sensitivity, flexibility, and patience are essential. PAG volunteers do not go to Africa to improve their values, but to seek a truer comprehension of African Values. Their challenge is to adjust to locally accepted ways of doing things. While the PAG experience offers a rare opportunity for personal growth through shared experiences, this growth can be uncomfortable and, at times agonizing. PAG willingness to address personal issues - whether pertaining to racial, political, or other feelings - often is the basis for healthy group debriefing interactions between and among PAG and our host countries citizens.
Diversity - racial, ethnic, gender, regional, religious, and educational - is a primary goal of PAG's recruitment effort. Though most PAG volunteers are health care professionals, other than a minimum age requirement of 16 ( with parents or guardians consent) there are no other set age or occupation requirements
Confidential Volunteer Reference Form
If you are interested in volunteering with PAG and would like an application, or for more information information regarding opportunities to join our annual medical missions, please write to us.
Volunteer opportunities also exist for operations staff interested in contributing their time and energy to organizational development in the United States and abroad. Individuals with experience in communications, web-site/IT development, non-profit fundraising, and general operations activities are encouraged to apply.
Family obligations and the need to provide for retirement, coupled with the high cost of living, make it difficult for many people to consider substantial charitable gifts now. But there is a way to have the satisfaction of making a meaningful lifetime gift without sacrifice. In fact, you can get current income tax and financial benefits. It is called a life income gift. You irrevocably transfer some assets to Project Africa Global now, and in return, you (and a survivor, if you wish) receive income for life. As a result, the assets are used to carry out our mission.
The charitable gift annuity enables you to make a gift to support Project Africa Global and at the same time improve the quality of life for your family. In exchange for your gift of cash or marketable securities to Project Africa Global, we agree to pay you (and a survivor or other beneficiary) a fixed amount annually for your lifetime. The transfer is part gift and part purchase of an annuity. The rate of return is attractive and the payments are guaranteed for life.
A trust is a legal agreement that specifies how the assets placed under the trust will be managed. The charitable remainder trust is an attractive method to achieve a variety of goals while providing income for life and knowing that after your lifetime, the property remaining in the trust will be used by Project Africa Global as you specified.
Some of our supporters no longer need their life insurance that was purchased years ago to provide for children or other family members. If that is your situation, please consider donating the policy to Project Africa Global. You may claim a charitable deduction for approximately the policy's cash surrender value, and the proceeds are completely removed from your estate.
Individuals with very large estates can use a charitable lead trust to benefit Project Africa Global and pass principal to family members with little or no tax penalty.
Many individuals today have large qualified retirement plans such as an IRA, 401(k), or Keogh plan. These assets have been growing tax-free for years. Once the owner begins to receive payments from the qualified plans, the distributions are taxed. The plans are also included in the owner's taxable estate. A retirement plan may be an excellent source of funds for making a gift to Project Africa Global.